2092366 - Parking with BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST裡面有提到較新的Support-Package已經支援Parked
The Support-Packages in this SAP Note add the field DOC_STATUS to the structure DOCUMENTHEADER of the BAPI. You can then use this field to determine which status to use when entering the document. The following values are allowed in this case: Parked document: 2 Fully saved document: 3 Posted document: 4 or space
2092366 - Parking with BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST裡面有提到較新的Support-Package已經支援Parked
回覆刪除The Support-Packages in this SAP Note add the field DOC_STATUS to the structure DOCUMENTHEADER of the BAPI. You can then use this field to determine which status to use when entering the document. The following values are allowed in this case:
Parked document: 2
Fully saved document: 3
Posted document: 4 or space